Career Services provide women with economic independence, which empowers them to take control of their own life path



At Arizona Women’s Recovery Center, we believe one of the keys to a long-term, successful recovery from drug and/or alcohol use is creating a long-term plan for a stable lifestyle. This involves a peer support group, family counseling and vocational and educational training. The vocational and educational training provides women with economic independence, which empowers them to take control of their own life path.

Career Services provides individualized and comprehensive career services for women who have experienced long-term barriers to employment, such as substance use issues, mental illness, trauma, domestic violence, and disability.

Our team supports women from GED through post-employment. This includes obtaining and maintaining employment and also identifying and planning for career advancement. We provide both on-site and off-site post-secondary education mentoring and job coaching. Additionally, we offer peer support certification, retail/thrift store experience, and janitorial training. Women graduate the program employed and with a vocational training certificate or post-secondary education.

A Career Services Supervisor is on staff and available by appointment to assist clients with obtaining employment, acquiring proper identification, and addressing general legal and court matters.