Intervention often helps the person struggling with addiction see how the drug or alcohol use is affecting their lives and the lives of those around them.
Sometimes it’s difficult to face addiction. Denial and fear stand in the way to recovery. Sometimes the people around the person battling addiction can see the problem more clearly. They are worried, but don’t know what to do. Oftern times, the person struggling with addiction doesn’t see the negative effects of their behavior. Do you let the person hit bottom on their own, or do you step in before something terrible happens?
Intervention often helps the person struggling with addiction see how their substance use is affecting their lives and the lives of those around them. During an intervention, family and friends meet with the person who is struggling with addiction in a professionally directed, face-to-face meeting. The goal of intervention is to present the user with a structured opportunity to accept help and to make changes before things get even worse.
Consulting an addiction professional, such as an alcohol and addictions counselor, social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, or interventionist, can help you organize the most effective intervention. An intervention specialist will meet with family and friends to prepare them for the meeting and do some pre-intervention prep work. This gives loved ones the chance to hear each other’s stories and support one another as well as educate themselves on addiction and the process. The intervention specialist will make a post-intervention recovery plan with the loved ones as well.
When done with a person who is trained and successfully experienced as an interventionist, over 90% of people make a commitment to get help. It’s especially important to consult an intervention professional if you suspect your loved one may react violently or self-destructively.
If you have a loved one who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, intervention may be the best way to keep that loved one safe and help them on their way to living a healthy life. Arizona Women’s Recovery Center works with many intervention specialists and is happy to recommend one that will work for you. Call us at (602) 264-6214.