Training medical professionals to look for signs of substance abuse and how to talk to patients about it is vital in preventing certain diseases associated with alcohol and drug abuse.


Alcohol and drug abuse can be very difficult to spot, even for friends and families who are with the person in trouble on a regular basis. A trained medical professional can be key to not only identifying people who are in trouble, but for preventing additional medical and psychological effects of the disease.

In this presentation, medical professionals will learn:

  • How to identify substance abuse
  • The difference between abuse and addiction
  • Physical and psychological signs of common drugs
  • Effects and statistics on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disease (FASD)
    • How to approach pregnant women suspected of using and what to ask
    • How to prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • What to do if a teen is suspected of using a substance
  • How to talk about substance abuse and addiction
    • What to ask and that not to ask
  • Resources for referrals​

Training medical professionals to look for signs of substance abuse and how to talk to patients about it is vital in preventing certain diseases associated with alcohol and drug abuse and could help end the abuse early preventing additional medical issues and possibly even death. If you’d like to schedule a Substance Abuse Training for Medical Professionals, please call NCADD at 602-264-6214.

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